sexta-feira, abril 22, 2011

Cavern Club...Liverpool

Cavern Club é um bar destinado originalmente para marinheiros localizado em Liverpool, interior da Inglaterra, Reino Unido. Ficou mundialmente conhecido por ser o lugar aonde os Beatles iniciaram sua carreira musical, e onde a banda foi apresentada à Brian Epstein, que tornou-se posteriormente seu empresário. Foi demolido em 1973, mas reconstruído do outro lado da rua onde localizava-se o original. Atualmente existem dois cavern clubs; um onde ficava o original, construído inclusive com tijolos retirados do bar original, e outro do outro lado da rua, onde fica a estátua de John Lennon.

Cavern Club is a bar designed originally for sailors  located in Liverpool, the English countryside of United Kingdom. Became known worldwide for being the place where the Beatles started their musical career, and where the band was presented to Brian Epstein, who later became his manager. It was demolished in 1973, but rebuilt across the street where the original was located. Currently there are two clubs cavern, which was the original one, even built with bricks taken from the original bar and another across the street, where stands the statue of John Lennon.

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