terça-feira, março 05, 2013

You Gave Me The Answer

Paul McCartney lançou há alguns meses uma página especial no seu site, chamada "You Gave Me The Answer", um acesso totalmente sensacional ao nosso amado e antigamente inacessível ex-beatle. Há tempos pensava qual seria a minha pergunta ao Sir e resolvi após ler muito sobre a vida pessoal deste, que a pergunta abaixo seria perfeita. 

Agora, ansiosamente, fico no aguardo, que meu ídolo responda.

Paul McCartney has released a few months ago a special page on his website, called "You Gave Me The Answer", a totally amazing access to formerly inaccessible and our beloved ex-Beatle. There are times that I thought what would be my question to Sir and decided after reading a lot about his personal life, the question below would be perfect.

Now, anxiously, I'm waiting, that  my idol answers.

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