terça-feira, dezembro 06, 2011

Aniversário de Morte da Tia Mimi/ Uncle Mimi Smith Death Anniversary

Mary Elizabeth "Mimi" Smith (Stanley née) (24 de abril de 1903 - 6 de dezembro de 1991) foi a tia materna e teve a guarda do músico John Lennon. Mimi nasceu em Liverpool, Inglaterra, e era a mais velha de cinco filhas. Ela se tornou uma enfermeira residente  no Hospital Woolton Convalescent, e mais tarde trabalhou como secretária particular. Em 15 de setembro de 1939, ela se casou com George Smith, que dirigiu fazenda de sua família e uma loja de laticínios em Woolton, um subúrbio de Liverpool.

Após a irmã mais nova de Mimi, Julia Lennon, se separar do marido, ela e seu filho(Lennon) foram morar com um novo parceiro, mas Mimi contactou o Serviço Social de Liverpool e queixou-se de John dormir pouco e na mesma cama que os dois adultos. Julia acabou sendor persuadida a ceder o cuidado de Lennon aos Smiths. Lennon viveu com eles a maioria de sua infância, e manteve-se perto dela, mesmo que ela tendo desprezo de suas ambições musicais, suas namoradas e esposas.
Ela dizia ao jovem Lennon que "A guitarra é legal John, mas você nunca vai ganhar a vida com ela". Apesar de mais tarde perder o contato com outros membros da família, Lennon manteve em contato íntimo e telefonava para Mimi a cada semana até sua morte em 1980. Lennon comprou-lhe um bungalow em Poole, Dorset, onde ela viveu até sua morte em 1991. A casa do Smiths "em Liverpool foi mais tarde doada para o Fundo Nacional.

Mary Elizabeth "Mimi" Smith (née Stanley) (24 April 1903 – 6 December 1991) was the maternal aunt and parental guardian of the English musician John Lennon. Mimi was born in Liverpool, England and was the oldest of five daughters. She became a resident trainee nurse at the Woolton Convalescent Hospital, and later worked as a private secretary. On 15 September 1939, she married George Smith, who ran his family's dairy farm and a shop in Woolton; a suburb of Liverpool.
After Mimi's younger sister, Julia Lennon, separated from her husband, she and her son (Lennon) moved in with a new partner, but Mimi contacted Liverpool's Social Services and complained about little John sleeping in the same bed as the two adults. Julia was eventually persuaded to hand the care of Lennon over to the Smiths. Lennon lived with them for most of his childhood, and remained close to her, even though she was highly dismissive of his musical ambitions, his girlfriends, and wives.
She often told the teenage Lennon that "The guitar's all right John, but you'll never make a living out of it". Despite later losing touch with other family members, Lennon kept in close contact and telephoned Mimi every week until his death in 1980. Lennon bought her a bungalow in Poole, Dorset, where she lived until her death in 1991. The Smiths' house in Liverpool was later donated to the The National Trust.

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