quinta-feira, abril 07, 2011


Filho de John Lennon com Cynthia Powell, nascido em Liverpool, quando seu pai estava em ascensão com os Beatles. Julian e sua mãe foram mantidos escondidos do público e da imprensa por John à pedido de Brian Epstein, que temia o desinteresse na banda por parte das fãs. No entanto, quando a imprensa britânica descobriu que John era pai e casado, não fez a menor diferença.

Julian participou do filme Magical Mystery Tour dos Beatles e diretamente inspirou uma das canções mais famosas de seu pai, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", cuja letra é baseada em uma aquarela feita por Julian sobre uma garota - uma colega sua chamada Lucy O'Donnell- cercada por estrelas, que ele descreveu para seu pai como "Lucy no céu com diamantes", frase que John usaria como título da canção que seria incluída no álbum "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".

Quando tinha cinco anos, a relação entre seus pais não era a das melhores, e em 1968, eles se divorciaram depois de sua mãe descobrir que John estava de caso com Yoko Ono. Ele mais uma vez inspirou outro clássico dos Beatles, mas desta vez escrita por McCartney, que triste com sua situação, compôs "Hey Jude" como forma de consolá-lo pelo sofrimento que passava.

Ele quase não teve contato com seu pai após o divórcio, até a década de 70, que por iniciativa da então namorada de John, May Pang, Julian começou a ver seu pai frequentemente. John comprou para Julian uma guitarra Gibson Les Paul e uma bateria e o incentivou a se envolver no ramo musical, ensinando-lhe alguns acordes.

Julian fez sua estréia musical aos 11 anos, no álbum de seu pai "Walls and Bridges" tocando bateria na canção "Ya-Ya". Porém como cantor e compositor, somente aos 20 anos de idade com o seu disco de estréia, Valotte.

Julian tem uma relação "cordial com Yoko Ono, enquanto se dá muito bem com seu meio-irmão Sean". Julian até passou um tempo com seu meio-irmão durante a turnê dele em 2007.

Julian Lennon was born in Liverpool. Initially, the fact that John Lennon was married and had a child was concealed from the public, in keeping with the conventional wisdom of the era that female teenage fans would not be as enamoured of married male pop stars.
Lennon directly inspired one of his father's most famous songs, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", whose lyrics describe a picture the boy had drawn, a watercolour painting of his friend Lucy O'Donnell from preschool surrounded by stars. He later attended the set of The Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour.
When he was five, Lennon's parents divorced, following his father's infidelity with Yoko Ono. Paul McCartney wrote "Hey Jude" to console him over the divorce; originally called "Hey Jules", McCartney changed the name because he thought "Jude" was an easier name to sing.
Lennon had almost no contact with his father after the divorce, until the early 1970s, at the instigation of his father's then girlfriend May Pang. Julian began to see his father more regularly, who bought him a Gibson Les Paul guitar and a drum machine for Christmas in 1973, and encouraged his interest in music by showing him some chords.
He made his musical debut at age 11 on his father's album Walls and Bridges playing drums on "Ya-Ya", later saying, "Dad, had I known you were going to put it on the album, I would've played much better!"
Following his father's murder, Lennon voiced anger and resentment toward him, saying

"I've never really wanted to know the truth about how dad was with me. There was some very negative stuff talked about me ... like when he said I'd come out of a whiskey bottle on a Saturday night. Stuff like that. You think, where's the love in that? Paul and I used to hang about quite a bit ... more than Dad and I did. We had a great friendship going and there seems to be far more pictures of me and Paul playing together at that age than there are pictures of me and my dad."
He was not included in John Lennon's will, and was annoyed that he had to buy mementos of his father at auctions. A settlement was eventually reached wherein Julian was given "a large but undisclosed sum". By 2009 Lennon's feelings toward his father had mellowed. Recalling his renewed relationship with his father in the mid-1970s, he said,
"Dad and I got on a great deal better then. We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and had a great time in general when he was with May Pang. My memories of that time with Dad and May are very clear — they were the happiest time I can remember with them."
Lennon has been quoted as having a "cordial" relationship with Ono while getting along very well with her son, his half-brother Sean, even spending time together on Sean's tour in 2007.

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